Complaint – My pet hates being groomed, I don’t want to put him through it again so soon.
Fact – Dogs love routine. Frequent visits help alleviate unknow fears and maximize skin health. Proper
and ethical handling leads to calm and happy pet. If your dog is terrified of going to the groomer, you
should find out why.

Complaint – Shave him down. He has dry skin
Fact – Shaving will continue the cycle. It takes the protection away from the skin making it more
vulnerable for irritation and infection.

Complaint – My pet has allergies. He scratches all the time, just shave him.
Fact – Shaving clogs pores and leaves skin exposed to pollutants and toxins in the environment which
intensifies itching and irritation.

Compliant – I can’t afford to have haircuts all the time.
Solution – We offer low cost maintenance brush outs (no bath or haircut), nail trims, and ear cleaning.
More important than haircuts is the maintenance of the hair and skin. Haircuts are often more for
cosmetics than they are for the health of the skin.

Compliant – I have allergies
Fact – Length of pet hair will not reduce owner allergies. Regular and proper cleansing of the skin will.

Compliant – I can’t handle all the shedding, just shave the hair off.
Fact – hair growth is cyclical. Shaving means shorter, pin like hairs everywhere as well as the danger of
exposing the skin to bacteria and pollutants as well as harmful UV rays. In most cases, shaving makes the
problem worse and if the coat is damaged it could create a lifetime issue versus a seasonal one.

Compliant – Its too hot for my dog to have hair.
Fact – Hair is a sun and wind barrier. The hair will rise to ventilate the dog when over heated. The
function of the arrector pili is to raise and lower the hair to create dead space which is how the pert
controls its temperature. If you shave the pet now loses the length of the hair which directly effects the
pet’s ability to adequately control its temperature. It may even effects the pet’s ability to regulate its

temperature in a stress situation (surgery, hit by car, or severe temperature change) that could cost the
animal its life.

Compliant – It grows too fast.
Fact – Shaving will not slow growth, it will only compound skin irritation. It can damage the hair which
may cause a permanent coat change.

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